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Save the date! Wounds Australia 2026 Conference


Dr. Dianne Smith

Senior Medical Officer, Skin Integrity Service, Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital
Dianne Smith

MB.BS (Qld), Graduate Diploma Family Medicine (Monash)

Dianne is a Senior Medical Officer at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital for 25 years as a GP with special interest.
Dianne worked as a General Practitioner in the Emergency Department until becoming the Senior Medical Officer in the Skin Integrity Service when it was established in 2004. She is also the medical member of the hospital’s Multidisciplinary Lymphoedema Clinic since 1998. The Skin Integrity Service’s outpatient clinic provides an average of 1,700 outpatient wound consultations a year. These consultations are both in clinic and virtually usually by email with GP’s and residential aged care facilities.

Dianne is member of:
•QWCA, AWMA and now Wounds Australia since 1998,
•International Wound Infection Institute,
•Australasian Lymphoedema Association,
•Wesley Mission Queensland’s Clinical Governance Committee, and
•QUT Human Research Ethics Committee.
Dianne is a Clinical Lecturer in the School of Medicine, University of Queensland.

Payments made easy

Registrations for the Wounds Australia 2024 Conference are now open!
Secure your spot with convenient instalments.
Reserve your space before 2 April to unlock the 2024 payment plan!