Having graduated in nursing in 1978 at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, Julianne worked across the public and private health care sectors in rural and regional communities. After 25 years in nursing and wanting to expand her knowledge of human behaviour and health inequalities, Julianne attained a Master of Social Work. As an agent for change, Julianne established the Amaranth Foundation – a not for profit organisation providing a range of services across rural communities in the Murrumbidgee and Riverina. Julianne is a Director of the Australian Association of Social Workers and an accredited social worker. Julianne is a people orientated health professional who is actively involved in person centred care approaches and is motivated by her commitment and passion to make real change for vulnerable people and their families and care giver. Julianne has been married to David for 42 years, they have 8 children and 14 grandchildren.