Strengthening networks

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The Impact of Wound Hygiene – Incorporating an Antibiofilm Gelling Fiber Dressing on Hard-to-Heal Wounds: Real-World Evidence

Session outline

This session, sponsored by Convatec, will showcase an innovative, data-guided activity that was designed to bring about positive change in the management of hard-to-heal wounds through standardisation of practice by the implementation of a 4-step protocol of care, termed Wound Hygiene. This global initiative was complemented by a structured education programme, delivered by the Convatec Clinical strategy team or locally trained staff, and had an immediate impact on the quality of patient care, patient experience, and patient outcomes. This activity is known as the Wound Hygiene Challenge (WHC).

The WHC demonstrates an improvement in patient outcomes and deliver efficiencies through education and the consistent implementation of an evidence-based, intuitive approach for the management of hard-to-heal wounds. For Healthcare Professionals (HCPs), the WHC elevates knowledge and skills of biofilm based wound care and for the patient, aims to drive health improvements and alleviate long-term suffering and pain. In addition, the WHC enables HCPs & Providers to assess and measure the impact of implementing the Wound Hygiene Protocol-of-Care with Aquacel™ Ag+ Extra dressings for better clinical outcomes and anti-microbial stewardship.

Real-world evidence from five Countries, more than seven different clinical settings and over 20 different types of wounds will be presented. We believe that every patient deserves the opportunity for a life without long term pain, impaired mobility or social isolation – which is why Convatec are supporting the roll out of Wound Hygiene Challenge through a structured education programme, based on 2 International Consensus Publications – changing the approach for hard-to-heal wounds and establishing the Wound Hygiene Protocol as ‘The’ standard of care.

Learning outcomes

This session is aimed at those wishing to learn more about the Real-World clinical outcomes from implementing a biofilm-based Wound Hygiene strategy when managing hard-to-heal wounds.

Attendees can expect to:

  1. Hear about the wound hygiene strategy.
  1. Learn about how the protocol was used with an anti-biofilm dressing to improve outcomes for a variety of wounds across different clinical settings.
  1. Analyse the results of the study and appreciate how this applies to real-world scenarios.
  2. Find out where to learn more and how to apply the finding in practice.

Target audience

  • Allied health 
  • Medical practitioners 
  • Students 
  • Trainees 
  • Nursing staff 


Chairperson: TBC

Presentation time  Presentation title Speaker name / Moderator 
3 minutes Acknowledgement of Country and introduction of presenterMaru Lush, Australia
30 minutesImpact of Wound Hygiene – Incorporating an Antibiofilm Gelling Fiber Dressing on Hard-to-Heal Wounds: Real-World Evidence’ publicationRebecca Aburn, New Zealand


Table of Contents


Announcing Wounds Australia 2026 Conference theme

Wounds Australia 2024 Conference Wrap

Save the date – Wounds Australia 2026 Conference

Advanced Wound Care Workshop: Mastery in Dressings and Assessment

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