Strengthening networks

Navigating new frontiers for better healing

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The Leaky leg: care, coordination, compassion 

Session outline

Studies suggest that between and 1 and 2 people per 1000 in studies populations will experience an ulcer below the knee at some point in their lives (Barnsby, 2018). Wounds Australia suggest that up to 470,000 people in Australia are suffering from non-healing wounds at point in time and statistically a significant proportion of these people have lower limb ulcers. Why then, in an era of unprecedented health information, a high-functioning public health system and relative affluence do we continue to see significant morbidity in relation to lower limb wounds?

The person suffering from “leaky legs” is a well-known presentation in general practice, the community, outpatient services and in residential aged care. The science and treatment modes related to caring for people with this health issue are well articulated and accessible, yet we continue to hear stories and see patients who have suffered for years with such wounds. The factors contributing to the “leaky leg” phenomena are multiple and varied: demographics, service access, professional training/experience, Medicare funding, obesity, diabetes Type 2, sedentary lifestyles, heart disease and treatment times are some of the more common factors however there is one factor that is also important to consider: cost.

Using a re-useable 2 layer compression system not only mitigates cost, engages clients/carers and provides conformable, comfortable adaptable treatment but it also recognises the importance of reducing waste and environmental harm. Lymphlex Reduce is a cost effective, well tolerated system that forms the base compression treatment in a major SA Health Local Health Network. Outcomes are consistently in line with or better than outcomes described in relation to optimal treatment and economic modelling has shown that these client outcomes can be delivered for approximately 30% the cost of other standard optimal modalities.

Learning outcomes

This workshop aims to demonstrate the coming together of:

  • Care: delivering the right treatment by the right professionals in an evidence-based manner for less than 30% of comparable standard optimal treatment cost
  • Coordination: ensuring that the treatment experience of a person suffering with “leaky legs” is seamless and pathway driven and able to be delivered in a variety of health care or home settings
  • Compassion: Showing up for the client; Understanding and naming their suffering; Moving closer to the client by encouraging them to make their own life and treatment decisions; Acting to ensure the client’s wishes, feelings and directions are the ones which ultimately guide care (SUMA)

If you are keen to explore how you might be able to improve client outcomes in relation to “Leaky Legs”, this workshop will provide an opportunity for you to explore methods and approaches to care that have been demonstrated to have meaningful impact on people’s lives.

Target audience

  • Allied Health
  • Medical Practitioners/ GPs
  • Nursing Staff
  • Community Practitioners


Chairperson: TBC

Presentation time  Presentation title Speaker name / Moderator 
2 minutes Chairperson introduction TBC 
25 minutes The Leaky leg: care, coordination, compassion presentation Taliesin Ellis, Australia
3 minutesQ & A Taliesin Ellis, Australia


Table of Contents


Announcing Wounds Australia 2026 Conference theme

Wounds Australia 2024 Conference Wrap

Save the date – Wounds Australia 2026 Conference

Advanced Wound Care Workshop: Mastery in Dressings and Assessment

Payments made easy

Registrations for the Wounds Australia 2024 Conference are now open!
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